That’s where Mark Waid and Javier Rodriguez’s History Of The Marvel Universe comes into play. But what about everything before all of that? What about the actual beginning? The Fantastic Four’s origin, plus the coming of Galactus. Captain America becoming the icon for WW2. The first android Human Torch and his battle with Namor. That book mainly focused on what happened in the literal sense of Marvel’s beginnings. In that book, they looked at the Marvel universe through the perspective of a reporter. I think the most popular comic was Marvels by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross.

There have been some comics in the past with the topic of discussing the Marvel Universe and its happenings. So much has happened throughout its existence that a lot of readers aren’t even aware of. The mainline 616 Marvel Universe has a pretty convoluted history. History Of The Marvel Universe (2019) #1 Marvel Comics Writer: Mark Waid Artists: Javier Rodriguez & Alvaro Lopez