(Richard Phillips), 1918-1988 Leighton, Ralph. Some of these had been told by others over the years. You know those signs that appear in the back windows of automobiles – those little yellow diamonds that say BABY ON BOARD, and things like that? You don’t have to tell me there’s a baby on board I’m gonna drive carefully anyway! What am I supposed to do when I see there’s a baby on board: act differently? As if I’m suddenly gonna drive more carefully and not hit the car because there’s a baby on board, when all I’m trying to do is not hit it anyway. What do you care what other people think : further adventures of a curious character by Feynman, Richard P. What Do You Care What Other People Think is a further collection of stories and anecdotes from his life. Part 1 of the book (A Curious Character) contains roughly 9 essays spanning Feynman's life. Feynman: Adventures of a Curious Character, but it is still a gem.

Same great anecdotes from his life, peppered with his train of thought: straightforwardness, getting to the bottom of things, and most importantly, not caring what others think! Richard Feynman, What Do You Care What Other People Think An interesting book. But, a few minutes into it, I knew that was not going to be the case. I was afraid that this book might not be on par with.