Star wars book heir to the empire
Star wars book heir to the empire

Though I have heard it gets better with other volumes and sure the start maybe clunky, it gets better in the middle and does well to give Luke and Han a solid adventure and does well to introduce Mara Jada and all the drama and tension there and builds up on the big threat of THRAWN! Some dialogues are clunky and confusing, the book I have heard is fantastic but after reading this volume I might not.

star wars book heir to the empire

Its a confusing read, I am not gonna lie and this is my first foray into legends stuff and the art is absolute garbage and it took a long time to read. Plus when Leia is attacked and goes back to Coruscant she finds not all things are well there, a Civil war and whatever the plans of Thrawn maybe. As they meet someplace they decide to split up like Leia and Chewie go to Kasshyk, Lando and Han go to some sabacc game and Luke on his way to where C'baoth might be after a previous incident but he is captured by Talon Karrde and Mara Jade and incidentally Han is also there but Thrawn too, so it becomes a threeway war between the two and how do they escape and what are Thrawns plans are explored here.

star wars book heir to the empire

It picks up with Thrawn wanting something and we follow him as he gets a crime in the Dark Jedi C'baoth and one plans to distract Luke and Thrawn plans on catching Leia and we follow these character navigating the new republican politics and all that and at the same time trying to escape. Its an alright adaptation of the classic Thrawn trilogy.

Star wars book heir to the empire