At the same time, all the Carls disappear from the face of the earth, and the captivating dreams that connected billions of people in a single task vanish.

Unfortunately, “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” ends in April’s untimely death at the hands of internet trolls inspired by the conservative pundit Peter Petrawicki. April and her best friend Andy, her ex-girlfriend Maya and scientist Miranda navigate newfound fame, internet trolls and the mysterious dreams that Carls left for all humanity to solve a quest together. “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” is an account of April May and her journey of fame after she discovers the Carls, 10-foot tall alien robots “that popped up in the middle of New York City and all over the world. “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor” (Dutton, 464 pp., ★★★½ out of four) by Hank Green follows the critically acclaimed “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” where it left off. Watch Video: Lin-Manuel Miranda on how 'Hamilton' changed under Trump admin